Centralized log server
Server for receiving logs in legacy BSD format
Install Java dependency (java 6 or newer)apt-get install default-jre -yGet Elasticsearch .deb from: http://www.elasticsearch.org/download/ and install it + dependencies
wget https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-0.90.7.deb dpkg -i elasticsearch-0.90.7.deb apt-get install -f
Logstash comes with a ready to run monolithic jar file, but I prefer .deb package including init script and sample configs since I find .deb more familiar to deploy and upgrade (E.G using Puppet)Install dependencies for creating .deb
apt-get install git rubygems -y gem install fpmCreate .deb:
git clone https://github.com/Yuav/logstash-packaging.git --depth=1 cd logstash-packaging ./package.shInstall:
cd .. dpkg -i logstash_1.2.2.debThis will install logstash init scripts and sample config. For a quick test to see if it's working, try starting logstash and access the web interface on port 9292 after it's done spinning up.
At this point, you might want to optimize ElasticSearch to minimize storage footprint, depending on your setup.
Also, you probably want to install Kibana as a web frontend, which is due to replace the default web interface in logstash core at a later time.